All posts by Rzepecki Nathan

My year in Cycling

Lets start this off with the highlights. 2021 was the year I completed the most cycling I have ever done in a year by a long shot.

Some of the simple stats

  • total 13,294 km
  • 8,001 kms outdoors
  • 5,293 kms indoors
  • 242 days I rode
  • 5 times I rode over 100kms
  • 446 hours peddling

I have my buddy Dave to thank for all of this. It was he who prompted me to start the weight loss campaign back in March. However once that was over I continued. Up until that point I only had 500 kms for the year.

The chance of catching up to my yearly goal of 12,000 seemed a long way off. However since I kept up my 300km a week target I kept plugging away at the number and caught it earlier this month (December).

However being December I almost strung two weeks of 500kms. I outdid my target by 1,294kms.

Next year I am going to try for 15,000kms

Most of my rides were solo this year apart from a handlful with Shorty. Craig. Will see if we can change that a little next year

Some photos from the year.

Some better looking stats are below.

Learning how to use Github Actions

I have spent the last few hours playing with Github actions. I had a need to scratch. Docker stopped the automated builds of my docker images for which I use within bitbucket pipelines.

Any time I used to commit to my git Bitbucket repo for the pipelines image a webhook would trigger this to build on Docker. Now however unless you fork out money to Docker this no longer works.

I could have worked out how to automate the process locally to build the image and push to docker hub but I wanted a more automated way. So I looked into Github Actions.

I also had another issue I wanted to solve. I need to maintain both a PHP 7.4 version for legacy apps and PHP 8.0 for newer apps. At the time I was only running the one version, PHP 7.4. After looking at what some of the other packages and services I use it seems most use a Docker file for the two versions. So I did that. Renamed my original and saved another with a couple of alterations.

I use Ansible to build the image anyway. So all I need to do is refactor a couple of variables to a new file and then call two different playbook. The two playbooks would then get called by the two different Dockerfiles.

Next step was to work our how Github Actions worked. After a bit of Googling and a few blog posts it seemed pretty straight forward. So a little tweaking and dummy commits I had two images being built and then pushed to Docker hub with different tags. This was already much better than I had in place already.

One last action I run from another server is to check for new Google Chrome releases and call a webhook to build the image again. This too took less than an hour to sort out and test.


Both the repository to build the image and the images are public. See the links below.

Github repository that builds the images

Docker Hub repo