I have now got the site secured under SSL with Lets Encrypt. Lets Encrypt is a free SSL , automated open certificate authority (CA) with the aim to have all sites secured. I am not going to go into what a CA is. If you don’t know you probably don’t need to keep reading.
Lets Encrypt is sponsored by a lot of well known companies such as Facebook, shopify, google, cisco and many others. They have made it simple and easy to setup an SSL certificate on every site. Your certificate only lasts for a maximum of three months before it needs renewing. However with the tools out there this can be automated easily with a cron job.
I use certbot-auto to setup my SSL. This can be found here https://certbot.eff.org/ it is seriously too easy to setup. Took me less than 5 minutes.
Hak5 also did a good video on it this week. Head over to their youTube to check it out.