Tag Archives: crash
Watch “Car crashes out the front” on YouTube
Car looses control, crashes into a tree then just drives off.
Injuries one week on
One week on since my cycling crash and I’m healing up. A whole week of the bike. I have not experienced a week off the bike since I got it back in December. Not having to get up at 5:40am on Saturday morning was different. Hence I took the opportunity to stay in bed until 10am
The only thing I did do today is a couple of small loads of washing and drop the bike off to be inspected.
Rest of the day has been sitting on the couch healing (that is what I will call it, others may call it being lazy)
My hip finally is starting to turn white again. Have only bumped it twice today. Is still very tender. Gravel rash is healing up and from what the nurse told me elbow is healing up well.
I think I have chosen this bike as the replacement. I am just waiting to be told by someone it’s the right bike for me and go ahead and get it. Oh and that it’s got the right equipment.
Colnago CLX 2.0 2010 Athena/Chorus 11s Bike
Not much to see but a few pics below of the healing wounds.