Lets start this off with the highlights. 2021 was the year I completed the most cycling I have ever done in a year by a long shot.
Some of the simple stats
- total 13,294 km
- 8,001 kms outdoors
- 5,293 kms indoors
- 242 days I rode
- 5 times I rode over 100kms
- 446 hours peddling
I have my buddy Dave to thank for all of this. It was he who prompted me to start the weight loss campaign back in March. However once that was over I continued. Up until that point I only had 500 kms for the year.
The chance of catching up to my yearly goal of 12,000 seemed a long way off. However since I kept up my 300km a week target I kept plugging away at the number and caught it earlier this month (December).
However being December I almost strung two weeks of 500kms. I outdid my target by 1,294kms.
Next year I am going to try for 15,000kms
Most of my rides were solo this year apart from a handlful with Shorty. Craig. Will see if we can change that a little next year
Some photos from the year.
Some better looking stats are below.