Tag Archives: riding

Transitional Ride Report Sunday 14/3/2010

This will not be a long write up as there were only three on the ride. Shaw bailed at the start because I reminded him the Queen Mary 2 was dociking in Freo and he promised to take his kids so he bolted for home.

Number appeared to be down overall. Must have been some big parties last night or your all mad doing the Dams rides. Anyway as had become tradition recently we all headed off together from South Perth making our way through Kensington and Wilson before the turn onto Albany Hwy. Everyone else but myself managed to make a simple right hand turn however I felt like getting a view of the traffic from ground level. I thought I was clipped in on the left pedal but when I pushed down I broke out and went right over the handle bars and being still locked in on the right I just went down. All happened so fast and no warning. Thanks to those that stopped and helped. Much appreciated. First worry was did I just smash my bike no. Second through was the lights are green and I’m on the road still. After getting off the road and re-adjusting the seat straight soon got onto the back of the group.

Ivan, John and I pulled off at Burslem Drv. We spent the ride single file sharing turns at the front. Speed on South St was at least 30km/h all the way to Fremantle. We had a bit of a run in or more I did. I thought I was giving a car room on my left so it could pass then I saw a massive shadow come up and the boys behind yelling. I’ll let the guys add this to the comments because they saw it unfold. Arrived in Freo around 8:30 and the big dingy was already in the harbour.

We made our way through Fremantle and onto Cottesloe. Great morning out but not enough talent around the Beach. The ride was ok too 🙂

After Cottesloe we turned back towards the city and made our way through Dalkeith and back toward the city along the reverse of the normal Tuesday route. Finished the Ride at the Bell Tower today because its a nicer cafe than Sth Perth.

Average for the ride was 31km/h. Ivan performed real well when we made our way through Dalkeith. I dropped back a few hundred meters at this stage as a bit of fatigue took its toll. Next weekend I will be doing the Freeway Bike Ride with a few others so not sure if a Transitional ride will still be on. Peter will keep you posted on this I am sure.

Sunday Transitional Ride

Another large turn out for the Sunday morning rides today. I would guess close to 70 people over all three groups. As has become common over the past few weeks everyone as a group travelled the first 18km as one group. Apart from one of the advanced group rubbing my wheel and going down while we took off from a set of lights there was no real dramas on the transition from South Perth to the base of the hills. One carload of hoons did mouth of the group of us catching up after the hold-up from the down rider. However the car was stopped at a red light and one of the advance group members served her opinion right back to them.

Crystal Brook road is where the Transitional riders pulled right and parted ways with the intermediate and advanced group. Jamie Was keen today and kept going on with the others. Like to hear how you went Jamie. Now our group had shrunk to about nine the workload picked up for the trip up Crystal Brook Road. Once we Turned right onto Kelvin Road Steve and I quickly picked up the pace towards 40km/h before being told to slow down as we had dropped a few. Tailwind people make use of it was my thought. Anyways after everyone was back on Steve and I controlled the pace at around 32/35 km/h all the way down Kelvin Road crossing Albany Hwy onto Olga Rd veering left at the roundabout onto Burslem Dr. Once we crossed Fremantle Rd and were onto Warton Rd I decided to pull left and let a few others the chance of leading for a bit. Sorry Steve I should have probably mentioned it but I wasn