Today we had planned on getting up around seven o’clock so we could be out early and see the sites. This failed. We slept in until ten and lost half the day. By the time we got organised went got coffee then returned to get a couple of things it was already midday and half the day was over. We dropped our washing off at a drycleaners just around the corner. Cost us $40 AUD to have two bags of washing done for us. Saved us sitting around doing it.
We decided to go see Abbey Road. The famous crosswalk where the Beatles took the album cover outside of Abbey Road Studios. It was pouring with rain when we got off the train and we got soaked. Taking any photos was near impossible, however we tried. There were three photographers there who all offered to take the photo for us. However they put it on their website and you purchase it from there. I declined the offer and thought to just get our own. I was too chicken to stop traffic on my own so I didn’t get the classic shot of Rhian crossing the road. I did however checkin when we arrived and John Harney jumped on the earthcam website and grabbed a screenshot of me standing on the footpath.
After ten minutes and a good soaking from the rain Rhian and I headed back to the train station where at least it was dry. We caught the train to London Bridge. When we arrived I was confused. London Bridge was not what I thought it was but after walking half way over I could see the bridge I was looking for. It was Tower Bridge I was thinking of. We walked along the river towards Tower Bridge and diverted to a restraunt to have lunch. It was a French styled restruant called “Rouge Cafe” but had a nice Belgium beer. After lunch we continued walking along the river towards Tower Bridge. We skyped mum from just next to the bridge.
After the skype call we walked across the tower bridge but did not go up the tower. Instead we walked to the other side bought tickets to London Tower. This was an old fort that is known death and torture. These days it houses the crown jewels. Your not allowed to take photos of them because it is inside a vault. They are very flashy and covered in jewels. I do not see the royals being able to afford to produce another one. They are more likely to sell the ones they have to pay their bills.
After having a quick look around it was after 5pm so we headed back to the hotel and picked up our washing. Seems they put all the washing in together because everything that had white on it was now pink. Our towels we last used in Greece had not been washed before and I am sure it was them that ran. We did give the washing over in a light and dark bag. Don’t guess they noticed or cared. We changed jackets and left the hotel to walk around the district we were staying. We found a shopping center that had a semi food hall upstairs. We settled on a buffet styled chinese restraunt. The food was ok and they even had Chicken and Sweet corn soup but it was empty so I missed out. After dinner we went to the Bayswater arms pub for a drink. Rhian didn’t drink and my belly was about to explode. I couldn’t put another thing in if I tried.
We came back to the room and I wrote the blogs for the last few days and Rhian made a list of places we would try and visit tomorrow. Until then Bye Bye.